Another Lucky Girl

Animal Forest Friends

Animal Forest Friends

Brief for the wall was simple. Design a forest wall for our daughters room and ad a horse and our family dog in it. Pastels instead of hard colors. So I did. Childrens rooms are my favourite ones to design as I can create new characters from scratch and make them come alive in a new setting.
The process is as follows:

1. Plan very simple example of what the picture is going to be
2. Decide on the specific characters and elements on the design
3. Search reference pics online for the characters, plants etc.
4. Draw sketches one by one by hand /digitally of the characters /elements
5. Digitalize and combine the elements for a first draft of the picture
6. Make desired changes
7. Ready to paint.

The process provides authentic piece of art on the wall. I use also known characters that have meaning either to the customers or to me. I was called Tigger when I was a small kid. :D

Animal Forest Friends
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Another Lucky Girl
Donec posuere purus quis turpis ornare pretium. Sed varius rutrum faucibus. Integer egestas, velit at posuere iaculis, justo nibh fermentum quam, id condimentum tellus neque at ligula. Donec ac ipsum scelerisque, venenatis sem quis, euismod quam. Aenean quis nibh ac ante posuere aliquet. Proin tincidunt urna augue. Donec quis elit et libero bibendum laoreet. ‍